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About Me

Carol Garcia

Licenced Massage Therapist
Texas State License # MT121990
ABMP Member


Within my life I have constantly felt the urge to help people and make them feel more relaxed and comfortable. So it came as no surprise to my family that I chose to finally pursue what they always told me I was good at.  With nearly a lifetime of experience and practice in massage, bodywork is definitely my calling in life.

As a young girl my father would ask me to rub his feet and would always fall asleep when I did.  From that point on, I basically grew up working on family and friends-- and even walking on my brother's back at his request to provide him relief from his chronic back pain after a hard day's work as a mechanic. At most every family gathering you wouldn't find me playing with the other children, instead you could find me at the table with all of the adults going chair to chair rubbing shoulders while they visited or played bingo. Massage was meant for me.

My familiarity with bodywork evolved over the years along with my techniques, and although I didn't immediately pursue Massage Therapy as my profession after school, I continued to work on friends and family who would often come to me to ease their aches and pains. Finally, I could no longer ignore what people have told me for years and decided to obtain the education and licensure necessary to practice massage professionally. I haven't looked back and the relief and relaxation I see my clients get with my sessions with them only confirms that this is my calling in life.

 Witnessing first hand the amazing results provided by receiving massage on a regular basis, further confirmed what an impact massage can have on one's life. The benefits of massage are real and can be very effective as part of a physician's treatment plan or just to help relieve stress in one's life.

Starting up my own practice has definitely been a new beginning for me,  But I have come to enjoy it even more and look forward to treating many new clients.

About Me

Natrees Hodges Harris

Licensed Cosmetologist

Texas State License # 1875039

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I've  always enjoyed the beauty of color.  I am very much a social butterfly and like making people feel beautiful and happy.  

I began my career in cosmetology in 2010 in Michigan,  Then decided life was pulling me towards warmer climates and a change in scenery so I moved myself and my children here.  Since being here I have loved the experience, people and my surroundings.  I am loving being so close to the water and beaches of Texas. 

I look forward to serving you with my knowledge and skills in all that is beauty and bigger opportunities.   

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